HARD level
Link to GitHub repository, including final codes.
About the dataset
The data set contains four table as illustrated in the ERD above. I have screenshoted a portion of each table below for ease of understanding. The HARD set of questions introduce the CASE funtion, with a join in all questions.
floor(weight / 10) * 10 as bucket,
count (*) as records
from patients
group by bucket
order by bucket desc;
2. Show patient_id, weight, height, isObese from the patients table. Display isObese as a boolean 0 or 1. Obese is defined as weight(kg)/(height(m)2) >= 30. weight is in units kg. height is in units cm.select
(case when
weight / (power(height / 100.0, 2)) >= 30
then 1 else 0 end
) as Obese
from patients;
3. Show patient_id, first_name, last_name, and attending physician's specialty. Show only the patients who has a diagnosis as 'Dementia' and the physician's first name is 'Lisa'.select
from (patients inner join admissions on
patients.patient_id = admissions.patient_id)
inner join physicians on
physicians.physician_id = admissions.attending_physician_id
admissions.diagnosis = 'Epilepsy' and
physicians.first_name = 'Lisa';
4. All patients who have gone through admissions, can see their medical documents on our site. Those patients are given a temporary password after their first admission. Show the patient_id and temp_password. The password must be the following, in order:a. patient_id
b. the numerical length of patient's last_name
c. year of patient's birth_date
distinct a.patient_id,
) as temp_password
from patients a inner join admissions on
a.patient_id = admissions.patient_id;
5. Each admission costs $50 for patients without insurance, and $10 for patients with insurance. All patients with an even patient_id have insurance. Give each patient a 'Yes' if they have insurance, and a 'No' if they don't have insurance. Add up the admission_total cost for each has_insurance group.select
(case when
patient_id % 2 = 0
then 'Yes' Else 'No'end
) as insurance,
sum(case when
patient_id % 2 = 0
then 10 Else 50 end
) as cost
from admissions
group by insurance;
6. Show the provinces that has more patients identified as 'M' than 'F'. Must only show full province_name.with cte as(
count(case when
gender = 'M'
then 1 else null end
) as m_count,
count(case when
gender = 'F'
then 1 else null end
) as f_count
from patients
group by province_id)
select province_names.province_name
from province_names inner join cte on
province_names.province_id = cte.province_id
where cte.m_count > cte.f_count;
7. We are looking for a specific patient. Pull all columns for the patient who matches the following criteria:a. First_name contains an 'r' after the first two letters.
b. Identifies their gender as 'F'
c. Born in February, May, or December
d. Their weight would be between 60kg and 80kg
e. Their patient_id is an odd number
f. They are from the city 'Kingston'
select *
from patients
first_name like '__r%' and
gender = 'F' and
month(birth_date) in (2, 5, 12) and
weight between 60 and 80 and
patient_id % 2 <> 0 and
city = 'Kingston';
8. Show the percent of patients that have 'M' as their gender. Round the answer to the nearest hundreth number and in percent form.select
when gender ='M'
then 1 end)
*100.0 / count(*)
,'%') as percentage
from patients;
9. For each day display the total amount of admissions on that day. Display the amount changed from the previous date.with cte as(
distinct admission_date as udate,
count(*) over(
partition by admission_date
) as today
from admissions
order by udate asc)
today - lag(today, 1) over(
order by udate
) as change
from cte;